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The Ribeye Brothers

Layers of freeways overlaping each others. Thousands of red and white lights flashing like translucent galaxies. Nauseous gas filled atmosphere. Stupid news, boring poppy tunes and evangelists shows are polluting too many ears in too many cars. America’s way of life is sucking its population’s brain out of everyone’s skull. A nation of half dead-living people staggering to a fruitless shopping center open seven days a week. On the A1 to Portland after a long week-end it looks like a pointless procession to boredom, but one funny looking vehicle seems to swim smoothly in this insipid mass. The Ribeye Brothers are reaching the city for a Sunday night gig and they are psyched up to exude their highly flamable rock. The band was formed end oft he 1990’s by Toni Cronin and John Kleinman who both are former members of Monster Magnet. The Ribeye Brothers have the sound of this last’s century decade they were formed in. A uniletral world filing freeways with brain-sucked individuals blinded by the endless lies of powerful people. This world needs an anti-emergency soundtrack and the Ribeye Brother have a few songs inside.
Vampiring Intelligence Services / Noiseway to hell / Sisyphe’s rock rolls




 - BIO



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